RareND Club

The RareND Club at the University of Notre Dame is a dedicated, student-led organization committed to raising awareness and educating the campus community about rare diseases. Established in 2014, RareND aims to illuminate the unique challenges faced by individuals and families affected by rare disease. Our mission is fulfilled through a diverse range of activities, including:

  • Community Volunteering: Engaging with local clinics and organizations that support rare disease patients and their families.

  • Events and Fundraisers: Organizing events and fundraising efforts to support rare disease organizations and initiatives.

  • Speakers: Hosting talks from patients, families, and researchers to share their experiences and insights.

  • Conferences: Attending and participating in conferences focused on rare diseases to stay informed and connected.

  • School Visits: Educating students about rare diseases through interactive and informative presentations.

  • Meetings: Facilitating discussion-based meetings to foster learning and collaboration within the club.

  • Collaboration: Partnering with professionals in the rare disease field to enhance our advocacy and support efforts.

  • Student Initiatives: Developing and implementing projects driven by student passion and creativity to further our mission.

At RareND, we are dedicated to making a meaningful impact through education, advocacy, and community engagement, striving to improve the lives of those affected by rare diseases. The Club collaborates with the Boler Parseghian Center for Rare Diseases and students in the Minor in Science and Patient Advocacy. For more information, please contact the faculty advisor, Barbara Calhoun, MSN, RN, PNP.