Congrats, MSPA Class of 2024

Author: Patient Advocacy Staff

Class of 2024
Class of 2024

On Friday, May 17, the Patient Advocacy Initiative honored 17 new graduates from the Minor in Science and Patient Advocacy. In reflecting upon their time in the program, a few students shared thoughts about the impact of the minor:

The minor has had such a huge impact on my life! It exposed me to so many aspects of the Life Sciences field that I had no idea about. I am now going to pursue a master's in a field that I knew very little about before the minor but have now fallen in love with! It also has allowed me to hear so many inspiring patient stories and become the patient advocate I am today.
The minor has provided me an incredible context for those future goals: I have learned from patients and patient families about the many ways they have (and haven't) been supported by their medical teams, I have learned about the policies that shape rare disease treatment, I have learned about the efforts of Patient Service organizations, and I have learned about the complex process by which patients get drugs made available to them. All of these things are incredibly informative for what I hope to do. Beyond that though, this minor has introduced me to a true passion. I absolutely LOVE the work that I have gotten to do in this minor to advocate for patients, and it was been so inspiring to see the difference it can make in patient's lives.
The MSPA minor is one of the best things that Notre Dame has allowed me to be a part of. The program has made an indescribable impact on me, from the patient-centered projects that we undertook in class to the knowledge that I have gained about biotech, clinical trials, and health policy in the United States. I believe that being a patient advocate is a skill that all people should learn - you never know when you might need it in life - and I am confident that my experiences in the program will shape me into a more compassionate, knowledgeable, and overall better health professional in my future career. I will strive to always remain a health advocate, whether it is for patients, friends, or family members; I am encouraged by the impact that the Notre Dame Patient Advocacy Initiative has had on so many lives, and I am honored to be a part of its legacy.

Congratulations, Class of 2024! We can't wait to see where life takes you. The Minor in Science and Patient Advocacy will begin Fall 2024 with 80 students enrolled.

Originally published by Patient Advocacy Staff at on June 02, 2024.